Authenticity, charm and quality
At Cocoperle, fishing is a daily sport.
You can choose from many kinds of techniques - From the usual bottom bouncer fishing one (for groupers, sea breams, red mullets, snappers, spangled emperors, etc.) to the net fishing one on the reef like Polynesians before (parrotfish, surgeonfish, jacks, etc.).
You can also go trolling outside the pass (jacks, snappers, bonito, tuna, barracuda, great barracudas, narrow-barred Spanish Makerel, swordfish...)
For the more acquainted with spear gun fishing, they can either fish or watch a Polynesian fisherman who knows his job. There is also the so-called Sport fishing - Fishing from the reef, from the boat with poppers or jigs in the pass or at the reef slope on the ocean side (equipment is not provided for that one).
Please contact us to customize your stay with a fishing option - We reserve a boat and a sailor just for you.